Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Base Report Creator – Module

Report Creator

An exciting module for the System Manager, those who have to challenge every day new requirements, for the data collection, using Tiny ERP one can present the Report using the 3 ways, Create a Views, and Graph and Calender on that. this is the simplest way to create any complex display report in tiny. Now Tiny provides an module to do the same function without any code development. you can download base_report_creator is an module available as extra_addons. this will provide the atomized way to create a Report, Graph, and Calender view on your desire data.

Method for creating an report is as follows.
  • Select an Objects (Tiny Objects) from which you want to fetch data.
  • Configure the Views - normally it generate the List as a first view, then Graph, but you can change the order of the view and number of views too.
  • Select fields which are going to display on the views. (List, Graph, and Calender)
  • Apply filter if requirements of specific data.
  • Apply the Permission - which user can access this report.
  • Create a menu with the permission.
Few tricks while selecting an object.
  • Give higher priority to the relational objects first. i.e. if you want to create a report for the sales then the important object is Sale Order Line, and after then select the Sale Order if you required more information. so always go for the Object which carry important and huge data.
Examples of Some Reports

Partner Summary Report
This is a simple report that display the total credit and debit amount for the Partner from the Sales, Expanse, and Bank Journals. after executing the report we can have the filters on the Data to get the Debit, Credit amount in between two dates too.

download the complete documentation to create a same report using the base_report_creator module just configure, without coding,

Product Wise Sales Report
This is an important report to get the sales turn over for the product in terms of the Quantity and Price. we also have the user wise sales report too.

download the complete documentation to create a same report using the base_report_creator module just configure, without coding,

CRM Case Analysis Report
Tiny CRM and SRM module is multi purpose module that, is designed in such a way that we can
configure and use for multi requirements. it can be used for the
  • Help desk and Support
  • Sales Opportunity
  • Marketing and Leads
  • Hr Recruitment
Based Planed Cost, Revenues, and Probability, we can analyses the CRM Cases also we have a
section for the Grouping.
User wise cost and revenue

Section wise cost and revenue

download the complete documentation
to create a same report using the base_report_creator module just configure, without coding,


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