Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Detail Environment Information on your screen


Now you can get complete Environment Information on which you are running your openERP. This has been implemented in stable version when reports crash. You will get this information along with the traceback. So now if you post a bug please copy these useful information also so that it will be easy for tracing.
You can even get this information as:

Client Script.(environment_info.py)
openERP/stable5.0/client/bin$ python environment_info.py --help
Usage: environment_info.py [options]
-h, --help {show this help message and exit}
-L LOGIN, --login=LOGIN {Login of the user in Open ERP}
-P PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD {Password of the user in Open ERP}
-d DBNAME, --dbname=DBNAME {Database name}
-p PORT, --port=PORT  Port  -s HOST, --host=HOST  Host  -l LANG, --lang=LANG
{Lang, if not specified will take OS environment Language}
This script will provide you the full environment Information about OpenERP-Server and OpenERP-Client

nch@nch:~/openERP/stable5.0/client/bin$ python environment_info.py -L 'admin' -P 'admin' -d 'testDB' -l 'en_US'
Environment_Information :
Operating System : posix
PlatForm : linux2
Operating System Version : [GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)]
Python Version : 2.4.5
Locale : en_US
OpenERP-Server Version : 5.0.1
OpenERP-Server Last Revision ID : 1802 nch@tinyerp.com-20090629061710-ab6oydkwswc6d8mh
OpenERP-Client Version : 5.0.1
OpenERP-Client Last Revision ID : 954 jvo@tinyerp.com-20090626142932-yeis4oljuie00owo


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