Thursday, May 14, 2009

Business Intelligence – Cube Browser

We are glad to announce improvement in our BI (Business Intelligence) module. Now one can easily get analysis on various facts and figures based on Sales, Purchase, Production cycles and etc.

We have made it very simple for end user, You can enjoy these functionality with use of mouse and make the analysis of business data in few seconds. Starting with simple drag and drop, end user can make the simple report, which can be refined with the drills to deep levels and making the complex and detail reports based on business data. Filtering of data can be done with one click allowing end user to filter data according to the need. Reports generated can be seen in form of graphs and charts too. With every step the MDX query is generated, which can be edited to change the output. Output can be saved as query and can be viewed or can be extended later.

Here is an example of sales analysis using Open ERP Business Intelligence. In this example one can see how end user can easily configure B.I. cube and analyze sales data for - product category wise total sale, sale of particular product in particular region, date wise product sale, product sale based on number of unit, further end user can increase criteria for analysis as per need.
To see cube browser in action click on
Cube Browser
So, enjoy the futuristic BI application with OpenERP application and get the accurate analysis of your data as per your choice.
Please note that these developments are still a prototype developed on trunk version. It's fully working but not yet fully integrated in the main branch of Open ERP. We plan to integrate new client developments, like BI and Webmail in the new version of the web client, because this new version will integrate a client side plugin system. So, it's better to wait for a few months before using the BI system, the v5.2 (or v5.4).
Thanks & Regards,
OpenERP Team.


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