Sunday, June 20, 2010

Are you updated with OpenERP Development ?

Hello !!!
Liferea will updated you for the development process of OpenObject.
Liferea Feed Reader is a really small but great tool for reading the RSS & Atom reader. I got an idea to use it efficiently for getting updated with the OpenERP development and discussion process. Here is a few tricks using Liferea.
The Left first Icon is the Liferea application. It display currently 2 recent unread entries.

You can configure the RSS for the OpenERP RSS resources are configured on my laptop to getting updated with the all development branches. Launchpad is good source of information.

The Left first Icon is the Liferea application. It display currently 2 recent unread entries.

You can configure the RSS for the OpenERP RSS resources are configured on my laptop to getting updated with the all development branches. Launchpad is good source of information.

You can configure the other RSS feeds in the same way to get updated on the Desktop.


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